Yoga Therapy
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Yoga Therapy

Life is meant to be joyful, but we become so immersed in our modern lives that we lose the connection to our innermost nature.

What is Yoga Therapy?

At Authentic Living we recognise that people manifest dis-ease for many reasons. Yoga and its sister science Ayurveda helps us understand that there are principles and natural laws that govern the human mind/body and spirit. Once we are aware of how our physiology works to its optimum level, the practices of yoga therapy will return us to vitality, health and a sense of mental stability and well-being.

Yoga therapy is a blend of relaxation techniques, postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation practices. We also extend dietary advice and recommend cleansing programmes.

Imagine if someone showed you how your lungs work, what foods are beneficial to your body and how to gain mastery over your mind and emotions. At Authentic Living we will give you a yogic “tool-box” that you can insert into your daily life, that is specific to your constitution and symptoms.

You are never too old or too ill, yoga is gentle, intuitive and can be done at your individual pace and ability. Healing takes time, effort and patience.

If you are reading this it is possible you have tried a lot of other therapies and medicines “out there”. Let me share a secret with you… the answer is “in here”.

Just as the water reflects the stars and moon, the body reflects the mind and soul.